Monday, December 7, 2015

First Estate by Soumya Degala

Bonjour cher gens nobles,

            My opinion on these different disgraceful scientific ideas are that they will ruin our country! Our country’s ruler has been determined by the great lord above. I declare that we should not listen to these silly ideas of “power within the people” and “general will” (document 4.3). I realize that the peasants require more right, as their status is quite poor and unfair. However, we must follow the one and only ruler of our country and our great religion, in order to preserve it. If the complaints of the third clergy are for more rights, we shall give them more education, and will shine more helpfulness towards them. However, if they still insist on following those foolish civil laws, then I declare that each department should form a diocese (document 4.4), and the voting of election of a bishop may only take place on a Sunday, in the principal church of the chief town of the department. We have no objections in helping the poor, but we must not drift from our religious roots! That is all I have to say for today. A bientôt!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Au revoir,
                                                                                    Minister Philip


  1. Ur claims are preposterous.U should oblige as penance for the past grievances u have committed against the French ppl ( u took our money and land)
    -Gérald Joseph

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    3. Well, our estate did try to support your estate by regulating education, and we tried to make the conditions of the poor better. And I find it extremely insulting that you would choose these foolish ideas of "free will of the people" than obeying your ruler and religion! #Praisethelord

    4. Really ? What about those corrupt church officials who decided to use poor peasants' money for their own benefit ? Do you honestly think that Louis XVI was a great monarch for you to be defending him like this ? Whatever, he doesn't have any power anymore. Yay !

  2. Just because one ruler messed up, doesn't mean all of us first estate members are defined by his actions. In fact, if we had not taken pity on you, by the name of god, your conditions would've been a lot worse! I think you should be thankful.

  3. Let's agree to disagree

